Sunday, November 30, 2003

Yay! That's how I feel. I bought an XBox this past Friday. I also bought Ghost Recon: Island Thunder, Rainbow Six 3, and got Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix for free. The XBox itself came with Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Tetris Worlds or some shit for free. I got the XBox Live Starter Kit as well. I love the XBox so far. :) Voice chat is hilarious. At first, I thought that I could only hear voice and not transmit it when playing Ghost Recon. And then on Saturday, I realized it was because I wasn't pressing the button on the controller to transmit voice!

I also managed to pick up about nine more hours a week at work. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, I'll be working from 11am-2pm, and then going back in at 6-10, which usually turns into closer to 10:30. They should just put something like "6-Close" on the schedule, because everyone who is scheduled until 10 is closing, and they all get done at different times. Oh well. The nine extra hours a week will give me hopefully a little over 400 bucks per paycheck. :D

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